A topic different than most on the blog and at the same time extremely necessary and often greatly underestimated. All communication on the Internet, in online advertising or brand social networks should contain a reliable promise. First of all, one that covers what we offer and at the same time encourages trust in our brand. I invite you to this post, in which I will take a closer look at one of the most important marketing concepts – Value Proposition.

Value Propositions
Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/xY55bL5mZAM

What is Value Proposition?

In general, Value Proposition, i.e. our brand value proposition, is the definition of the target group and the value that we want to provide to this group. The original idea is to fit on one sheet of paper where we present all the most important aspects of our business, which aims to focus on the value proposition and customer segmentation. Contrary to strategies and plans, which can often be collected in a large amount of materials, value propositions should be the essence of what our business represents.

How to use value propositions in marketing?

Contrary to appearances, a written and structured brand strategy along with its values is already half the way to success. We know exactly what the communication should focus on and what features of the recipients are of particular importance. Therefore, we can build a narrative corresponding to our brand around it, e.g. a jewelery brand referring to features such as customer love for accessories, basing on the latest trends or following the brand because of liking to a specific style.

Value designing plan

  1. Target group – at first, you need to understand your target audience thoroughly. Try to get to know and analyze the tasks that your client performs on a daily basis. Focus on matters relating to the problem area you intend to address. These can be goals (that the client wants to achieve), needs (that arise for him) or just classic daily to-do lists.
  2. Client pains – now try to find the pains that arise during planning, implementation, after completing the above-mentioned tasks. These will be all kinds of negative emotions, risks, unforeseen situations and costs. Think about the solutions currently used by the client and what they find too expensive, difficult, and annoying. Finally, try to choose the key, most important pains.
  3. Customer benefits – the next step will be to identify the benefits and positives of these tasks. The benefits can be all kinds of positive emotions, social benefits, satisfaction, savings, increased profit. Think about what makes the client happy, what solutions they like, what makes their life better. Finally, try to choose the key, most important benefits that guide him.
  4. Product – now that we know our client’s profile, we can propose a solution, i.e. our value proposition. First, write down all the products and services that your value proposition is going to include. 
  5. Problem relief – creating value for the client is either relieving his pain or enhancing the benefits he gets. Let’s start with the pain. Consider how the solution you proposed in the previous point affects our client’s pains. Does it lower their negative emotions, risks, the likelihood of unforeseen situations and costs? At the end, of course, mark the most important ones.
  6. Creating benefits – the same as you analyzed the customer’s pains, also analyze the benefits that the solution you proposed offers. Of course, refer to the previously determined positives desired by the client. Think how your solution will generate positive emotions, social benefits, save time, increase income / profit for the client. As always, try to choose the most important benefits at the end.

Implementation and evolution

As with any plan and strategy, brand values often evolve as you grow. It’s worth knowing your strengths and weaknesses and having a plan on how to respond to various customer challenges. 

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Read you soon and check my post: 5 digital customer habits.